Leadership Level Award Categories - 2023

    Select Your Award Category *

    Choose the award category you want to apply for. If choosing more than one category, remember to submit individual nominations for each during the upcoming nomination phase.

    Personal Information

    Company Information

    Leadership Influence


    By checking the box below and submitting this application form for the APMP India Leadership Awards, I hereby declare and affirm that:

    • • The information provided in this application form is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge.

    • • I understand and acknowledge that any misrepresentation or misinformation provided at any stage of the awards process may result in disqualification.

    • • I am aware that filling up this application form is solely a process for the shortlisting for nominations and does not guarantee nomination or award.

    • • I acknowledge that APMP India reserves the right to reject any nomination without providing a reason, and they will not be liable to answer any questions or queries related to such actions.

    • • I agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the APMP India Leadership Awards policy.

    • • I understand and accept that APMP India officials, volunteers, and members shall not be held responsible for any claims, damages, or legal actions arising from my participation in the awards process.

    • • I hereby indemnify APMP India, its officials, volunteers, and members from any claims, liabilities, costs, or expenses that may arise due to my participation in the APMP India Leadership Awards.

    • • I confirm my authorization to share the information provided in the application form and agree to the terms and conditions.

    I confirm that I have read and understood the above declaration and agree to comply with all the terms and conditions outlined herein.

    Please check the box to indicate your agreement with the declaration before submitting the registration form.

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this application form. Please click 'Submit' to send us your responses.